Missionary Plan of Cooperation (MPC)

"Since they are members of the Church by virtue of their Baptism, all Christians share responsibility for missionary activity. 'Missionary cooperation' is the expression used to describe the sharing by communities and individualChristians in this right and duty.

Missionary cooperation is rooted and lived, above all, in personal union with Christ. Only if we are united to him asthe branches to the vine (cf. Jn 15:5) can we produce good fruit." — Pope St. John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio, 77


About the Program

One of the most important missionary animation, education and support programs is the Missionary Plan ofCooperation. Annually, the Mission Office of the Archdiocese of St. Louis accepts applications from missionarygroups and dioceses, inviting them to share their witness with parishioners across the archdiocese. These groupsand dioceses make an appeal for their missionary cause and ask for the parishioners’ prayers, sacrifices, and financial support.

This program not only facilitates direct support but also provides an opportunity to learn about the worldwide missionary work of the Church and every Christian's baptismal calling to share in the mandate of Our Lord: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...” (Matthew 28:20). By praying with the missionary and by sharing in thecelebration of the Mass, parishioners join their prayers with those of the missionaries and the people they serve.

This program is carried out through (arch)dioceses across the country by the Pontifical Mission Societies in theUnited States and encouraged by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (Best Practices to Teach the Spirit of Mission).2024 Missionary Plan of Cooperation (MPC) Assignments have been to sent to all parishes and missionaries for MPC 2024. 

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