Promote the Appeal
Here are several resources to help you promote the Appeal at your parish. Promoting the Appeal prior to and during Appeal Sundays will show your parishioners that the Appeal is an important part of your parish life as it strengthens your unity to the larger Church.
- 2024 Impact Report
- Blank Pledge Card
- Bulletin Covers
- For parishes using Liturgical Publications Inc (LPi), Annual Catholic Appeal bulletin covers can be accessed via your WeCreate account. To quickly find the ACA covers, enter the keyword "Archdiocese of St. Louis" in the search bar and click "Search".
- For parishes creating their own bulletins and using printers other than LPi, cover art may be downloaded HERE. Art is available in both color and black & white and in the following sizes: 5x7, 6.25x10, 7.5 x10, and 8.5x11.
- Scripture Readings and Reflections for ACA Weekends
- Case Statement/Pew Brochure
- Giving Options Info, including Stock, DAF, and IRA gifts
- Printable Giving Flyer with QR Code
- Sample General Mailing Letter
- Sample Letters and Emails
- Social Media Toolkit
- Tax Savvy Ways to Give
Questions? Contact the ACA Office at [email protected] or 314.792.7680.