The Office of Christian Initiation is a department within the Office of Sacred Worship. Responsibilities of the Office of Christian Initiation are to:

  • Support parish catechumenate and initiation ministries,
  • Sponsor Christian Initiation (RCIA) leader and team formation programs, 
  • Offer in-service and formation for Christian Initiation ministries, and
  • Plan and coordinate the annual Rite of Election ceremonies at the Cathedral Basilica.

Joseph Milner serves as the director of the office and is normally in the office on Wednesday. He also serves as Pastoral Associate at St. Francis Xavier College Church on other days. He can be contacted:

Office of Christian Initiation           

[email protected]


20 Archbishop May Dr,

St. Louis, MO 63119

St. Francis Xavier Church           

[email protected] 


3628 Lindell Blvd

St. Louis, MO 63108

The Office is assisted by Christian Initiation leaders from throughout the Archdiocese. The team assists in planning formation events and the Rite of Election each year. 

  • NANCY LLOYD, All Saints (St. Charles Deanery)
  • PAUL SEGURA, St. Ferdinand (NE Deanery)
  • LAURA FLANAGAN, Incarnate Word Parish (West County Deanery)
  • MARGARET MANTIA, St. Joan of Arc (South City Deanery)  

Rite Of Election

1st Letter 2024.docx

1st Letter 2024.pdf

Reservation Instructions.docx

Reservation Instructions.pdf

Sample Letter to the Presider.docx

Sample Letter to the Presider.pdf

Resources For RCIA

Resources for Breaking Open the Word of God 

Breaking Open the Word Year A, Year B, and Year C

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (Text Preview by Google Books)

Archdiocesan Guidelines

Guidelines for Implementation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Resources for Inquirers 

Resources for Inquirers.docx

Resources for Inquirers.pdf

USCCB Documents

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Catechumenate Weblinks

From Liturgical Training Publications  -  Catechumeneon
Association of Catechumenal Ministry - Acmrcia.org
USCCB: Prayer 

Prayer Resources

3-minute Retreat

Need a few moments of reflection during your day? Take a break from your daily routine and check out this 3-minute retreat: www.loyolapress.com.  

Pray as You Go


Sacred Space


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