Missionary Childhood Association (MCA)


Missionary Discipleship

Through our Baptism, each of us shares in the missionary nature of the Church. We are all called to use the gifts we have received through the Holy Spirit for the building of the Kingdom of God on earth. As our children pray and give for those in other parts of the world, those children do the same for them; in this, a relationship of giving and receiving is created. 


The children of the Missionary Childhood Association pray every day for other children, especially for those in mission dioceses, and for the spread of the Gospel around the world. Through prayer, children develop a missionary spirit that will accompany them throughout their lives. 


The children of the Missionary Childhood Association sacrifice and make offerings for the spiritual and material needs of their brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, in order that they too can live in the fullness of their dignity as children of God. Financial offerings are collected by the Mission Office and forwarded to the National Office of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States to be redistributed to millions of children in every corner of the world. Offerings support catechesis and formation programs, schooling, health care, advocacy, and outreach for children.

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