Bereavement Resources
Compassion Ministries
Compassion Ministry for those who have lost a CHILD.
If you are interested in an individual meeting, not a support group, within a safe and confidential environment to share feelings and heal from the loss of a child, the Catholic Renewal Center offers this opportunity. The meetings will take place at the Catholic Renewal Center at 1406 S. Sappington Rd, St. Louis 63126. This is facilitated by Rita Baughman, please contact her at [email protected] to set up an appointment.
Compassion Group for all those who have lost a SPOUSE
If you are interested in coming together to share and heal from the loss of a spouse, the Catholic Renewal Center is offering monthly meetings the first Tuesday of the month 7pm to 9pm OR the last Saturday of the month 9am to 11am. The meetings will take place at the Catholic Renewal Center 1406 S. Sappington Rd., St. Louis 63126. This group is facilitated by Patty Kernell. Please register with Jane Guenther at [email protected] or at 314.792.7734.
Compassion Group for all those who have lost a SPOUSE or LOVED ONE -If you are interested in coming together to share and heal from the loss of a spouse or loved one, Our Lady of Lourdes in Washington, MO is offering monthly meetings the second Saturday of the month 2:30-4:30 pm. starting October 8th. The meetings will take place in Room 1 in the parish center. Please register with Sherlyn Leahy at [email protected] or 636.230.9000.
Compassion Group for loss of a Loved One - Our Lady of Lourdes (U City) on the first Thursday of the month from 7-8:30 pm in the parish commons. Contact Allie Dean at [email protected]
Seasons of Hope Support Group Offerings
Seasons of Hope is a scriptural approach to grief. We are offering trainings for this program four times a year. For more information, please contact Jane Guenther at 314.792.7734.
Annunciation (Webster Groves)
Mary Hittler, [email protected]
We are offering Seasons of Hope on the first and third Tuesday of the month during the summer at Klocker House 43 Short Ave. Webster Groves, MO 63119 at 7 pm on Annunciation's property.
Incarnate Word (Chesterfield)
Our program, Seasons of Hope, begins on Tuesday, February 28th from 7-9 PM, and continues for six weeks โ Feb 28, March 7,14,21,28 and Apr 4th. Sessions will be held in the Incarnate Word School Teacherโs Lounge. The address is 13416 Olive Blvd Chesterfield MO 63017
There is no cost for participants in the program but donations are accepted. To learn more about the program and to register contact Deacon Ron Reuther at 636-675-1364 (phone or text) or email [email protected].
Another session is planned to start on Sept 19 and run for 6 Tuesday nights 7-9PM.
Our Lady of Lourdes (Washington)
Mary Catherine Williams, [email protected]
St. Joseph (Cottleville)
Seasons of Hope
We meet on Saturday mornings at 10 am in the Parish Center.
Kathy Merrell, [email protected] 636.441.0569
St. Charles Borromeo (St. Charles)
Marilyn Lucido, 636.946.2511 or Mary Kutchback 636.675.9227 [email protected] or Steve Cave 314.575.0490
St. Justin Martyr (Sunset Hills)
Mary Wainscott, [email protected], 314.420.7475
St. Mary Magdalen (Brentwood)
Pat Burch, [email protected], 314.604.7848
St. Paul (St. Paul, MO)
Mary Hargadine, [email protected], 314.378.3217
Washington University (St. Louis, MO) - The meetings will be held in the Sunroom at the Catholic Student Center.
To sign up or to get more information, contact Mary Pat Henehan, DMin. at [email protected].
Seasons of Hope offers people an opportunity to come together to share in God's love and to explore mourning through Scripture, prayer, reflection activities, and faith sharing.
If you know of other parishes offering grief support, please contact [email protected]. Please note that the following are a list of small groups. Many parishes also operate grief support phone trees, letter campaigns, and other services. Check with your parish to see if they offer such a program.
Other Group Offerings
Mary, Queen of Peace (Webster Groves)
Unspecified program
676 W. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119
Third Monday of every month, from 6-7:30 p.m. Contact Mary Ann Zimmerman (school nurse and pastoral associate 314.961.2891 ext. 221
Queen of All Saints (Oakville)
Variety of ministries for widows and widowers of all ages
6603 Christopher Dr., St. Louis, MO 63129
Contact the parish office at 314.846.8207, or Darlene Florek at 314.293.3322 or [email protected] for help finding the group that is right for you!
Sacred Heart, Valley Park
Simple Steps Bereavement Group
Grief Share โ From Mourning to Joy
Morning Sessions - call for dates
17 Ann Ave., Valley Park, MO 63088
Weekly Thursday morning session 10am-noon
Morning session contact Suzie Henke at 636.343.1131
Evening Year round Sessions 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 7-9pm
Evening session contact Ann Marie Schwein 314.630.7755 [email protected]
Sts. Joachim and Ann (St. Charles)
Wednesdays 7pm - call for dates
Church meeting room
4112 McClay Rd., St. Charles, MO 63304
Contact Jeanie Potts 636.939.3428 [email protected]
Annie's Hope Bereavement Center provides comprehensive support services for children, teens, and their families who are grieving. Call 314.965.5015 or visit their website at
Elizabeth Ministry Life & Loss Institute provides enrichment through its consultations, website, speaker's bureau, conferences, retreats, programs, and trainings. For more information, please visit their website at
Good Mourning Ministry is a resource to Catholic parishes and to those who are mourning the loss of a loved one. Visit their website at
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. Call 1.800.273.8255 or visit their website at
Project Rachel & Project Joseph provide healing and hope to women and men wounded by abortion. Call 314.792.7565 or visit the website at
Augustine Institute Cds & Mp3s
15 things to do in the Midst of Suffering (cd/mp3) with Jeff Cavins Suffering is a mystery we all face at some time in our lives. Whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual, it will test our faith. Internationally known speaker Jeff Cavins shares personal insights he gained through his own physical pain. He shows us how we can join our sufferings with those of Jesus on the cross, bringing renewed meaning to the suffering we experience in our lives.
Making Sense Out of Suffering (cd/mp3) with Dr. Scott Hahn We all experience suffering at some time in our lives. Our tribulations range from small disappointments to serious tragedies. Listen as Scripture scholar and lay theologian, Dr. Scott Hahn, makes sense out of suffering by drawing from the wisdom and insight of God's word. He helps us find the meaning of our suffering by showing us how to unite it to the suffering of Christ on the cross.
Love Hurts: The Truth Behind Redemptive Suffering (cd/mp3) with Matthew Leonard In this presentation, Matthew Leonard focuses on the new idea of love proclaimed by Christ and how it gives meaning to human suffering, penance, and ultimately death.
Recommended Books
From Grief to Grace by Jeannie Ewing
Heaven, the Heart's Deepest Longing by Peter Kreeft
A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis
Turn My Mourning Into Dancing: Finding Hope in Hard Times by Henri Nouwen
Letters to John Paul: A Mother Discovers God's Love in Her Suffering Child by Elena Kilner
Grieving with Mary: Finding Comfort and Healing in Devotion to the Mother of God by Mary K. Doyle
Mourning a Miscarriage: Prayers For a Couple Grieving the Death of Their Unborn Child (An Elizabeth Ministry International Resource)
Miscarriage: A Book for Parents (A Centering Corporation Resource)
Pastoral Guide: Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Newborn Loss (An Elizabeth Ministry International Resource)
Dealing With the Loss of a Loved One by Fr. Eamon Tobin
If you would like more information on specific bereavement resources, please contact Jane Guenther at 314.792.7734 or [email protected].