Marriage Preparation

Congratulations On Your Engagement! 

The Church rejoices with you and is grateful for the gift of your loving commitment to each other. The Church offers her loving support including special graces from the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Marriage to strengthen you in living the fullness of your lives together in marital love.  

The Archdiocese of St. Louis joins you in responding to God's call. As you participate in your marriage preparation program, you will be enriched to live God’s call to holy love in marriage and family life. This marriage preparation will provide you with life skills and faith formation to live your married life to its fullest, for the rest of your lives. You can be assured of my prayers and may God bless you with His love and abundant graces.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. Mitchell T. Rozanski
Archbishop of St. Louis

Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation Classes

Retreats – Office Of Marriage & Family Life 

Classes are two-day, 13 total hours, and take place at several local parishes and the Cardinal Rigali Center, 20 Archbishop May Dr., Shrewsbury, Mo 63119.  An interactive virtual format option is also available; contact the Office of Marriage & Family Life at 314.792.7178 for more information.  Note:  In 2023, several special marriage preparation retreats will be held at select parishes throughout the archdiocese. View the class schedule to pick the format of your choice.  

The program, God's Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage, incorporates rich catholic theology with sound psychology, and it is highly interactive, and engaging for today's couples pointing them toward a deeper understanding of the sacrament of marriage. springing from st. john paul ii’s teachings on "theology of the body," the program invites couples to explore their own uniqueness by seeking their identity and mission in christ. In addition, the program is designed to help couples celebrate their call to greatness. Many engaged couples come away from the program with a newfound awe and respect for the truth and meaning of human sexuality. they leave with a clearer understanding of the extraordinary gift marriage is to our society and themselves.  

Cost $245, unless otherwise noted and this should be paid at the time of registration.


 Other Marriage Preparation Programs

Engaged Encounter Weekends of St. Louis

  • Held at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center in Eureka, Missouri. Visit their website for upcoming dates and a registration form.

College Church Marriage Preparation Retreat

  • St. Francis Xaiver College Church offers several marriage preparation mini retreats each year. these weekends focus on both the spiritual and practical aspects of living the marriage covenant. Couples from the parish serve as resource partners and presenters during the weekend. As couples spend time reflecting together on marriage as a covenant, adjustments in marriage, the spirituality of marriage, personality differences, communications, and conflict resolution, they learn more about themselves and their partner. The program includes presentations, opportunities for dialogue as a couple, and some sharing with other couples. Each mini retreat consists of a Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon session. The mini retreats are typically held every other month. Details and a schedule can be found by clicking here. 

Agapè Catholic Ministries-online class

  • The Agapè Catholic ministries marriage preparation course is based on the Theology of the Body and Humanae Vitae. Online marriage preparation and natural family planning (NFP) classes are available. The online sessions, available in multiple languages, feature interactive worksheets and personalized feedback from an instructor couple. This program is excellent for engaged couples in the military.

Spanish Marriage Preparation

  • A number of facilitator couples are available who will give engaged couples bilingual or Spanish marriage preparation. In addition to one-on-one preparation, a class is offered twice a year. For information, call Deacon Jorge Perez at 314.792.7645 or email [email protected].

 Parish-based sponsor couple experience

  • Check with your priest or deacon for a parish-sponsored marriage preparation program in which married couples meet one-on-one with an engaged couple. This option is not available at all parishes.

Additional links


Interested in bringing your marriage into the church by convalidation of marriage? Contact your parish priest or deacon for information on beginning the process. for other resources, please call Paul Duker 314.792.7178 or email [email protected].

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