Parish ACA Preparation

Parish ACA Preparation

ACA Parish List

Updated parish lists for the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal are due by December 8, 2023. Instructions for preparing your list can be reviewed by clicking on the link below. 


Parish Questionnaire

Completed parish questionnaires are due by December 8, 2023. The questionnaire gives you the opportunity to supply the information the ACA office needs to assist you in preparing for the next Appeal. If you wish to review the questionnaire prior to completing it online, a sample copy was included in the packet mailed to your pastor/parish life coordinator in November. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 314.792.7680 or [email protected].


One parish incentive ticket will be awarded to those parishes that submit both their parish list and the questionnaire by December 8, 2023. Thanks for all you do to support the Annual Catholic Appeal!


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