Certificate in Spiritual Direction

Are you called to accompany others on their faith journey to a deeper intimacy with Christ? 

Classes begin on Tuesday Evenings – January 2025

Christian Spiritual Direction is a ministry of holy listening.  It is here that the spiritual director helps the directee to recognize the true center of their lives, the core of their very being where the Holy Spirit dwells.  The real spiritual director is God. god touches the human heart directly.  As a spiritual director you will not direct by giving advice or solving problems, but rather through prayer and discernment.   Spiritual direction is a relationship that is going somewhere.  God is leading the person to a deeper faith and more generous service.  It is not stagnant; it is continually moving forward.   Through this program the Holy spirit is allowed to form by means of both contemplative and evocative training.   Contemplative is asking how God is present and evocative by drawing out what is happening.  This approach will prepare you to pursue your calling as a spiritual director and journey with others to Christ.

Applications are due by November 15, 2024.  Please send applications, documents, and questions to:  Jane Guenther, 20 Archbishop May Drive, St. Louis, MO 63119.

For more information, download the application and brochure. 

Contact Jane Guenther at [email protected] or call 314-792-7734 if you have questions. A generous grant from the Annual Catholic Appeal helped make this certificate possible.      

Are YOU looking for a Spiritual Director?  

Spiritual Direction offers trained directors to walk with individuals who want to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
For information on acquiring a Spiritual Director, call Rita at 314.731.6100 or email [email protected].

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