Healing and Deliverance Training

Mission Of Healing And Deliverance

"To more fully awaken everyone to the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and their importance in empowering the ministry of bringing Christ to others through team prayer for healing and deliverance."

What Is Healing And Deliverance?

The purpose of this ministry is to help persons into freedom through healing and/or deliverance prayer. The Healing/Deliverance Ministry functions in union with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO in cooperation with the Catholic Renewal Center. 

Deliverance is freedom in Christ to be the person the Lord created you to be.

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery." Gal 5:1

Those who seek the help of this ministry desire to live Jesus' promise of abundant life and have decided to act righteously, but are experiencing blockages or bondages. They may feel unable to overcome negativity, fear, sorrow, anxiety, grief, resentment, habitual sin and compulsions, even though their minds understand that their behavior is not right or healthy. In these persistent trials, evil spirits may be at work.

We will pray over the phone with you and take your prayer requests.

Anne Hruz, Coordinator of the Healing and Deliverance Ministry: [email protected]

Call the Renewal Center to request Healing and Deliverance Prayer.

What Ministry May Include -

Soaking Prayer 
The soaking prayer entails laying on of hands and prayer over a person to immerse them in the healing love and power of God. Prayer is often directed toward the particular physical ailment, injury, or spiritual affliction.

Inner Healing 
The Inner Healing Ministry helps individuals who are seeking healing from past hurts and emotional wounds. As in the past, God still heals his children today. When seeking inner healing, Jesus is invited into the areas of our lives where needed. God‘s peace, blessings, and healing may be blocked by our own way of life. Trained prayer ministers are available to help.  Contact Anne Hruz to schedule a healing session.

Scheduled H/D Ministry
You may request a scheduled appointment for ministry: daytime and some evening appointments are available. Call Anne at (314) 731-6100 or email [email protected]

Additional times where the Healing/Deliverance prayer teams pray with individuals are:

  • During the Catholic Renewal Conference (Spring and Fall annually)
  • Other major conferences (Catholic Women for Christ conference, Catholic Men for Christ conference)
  • After the Generational Healing Prayer Services at the Rigali Center (held two times a year)
  • Generational Healing Prayer Services are not a mass, but a paraliturgy, and focus on healing and deliverance related to issues both past and present in one’s family line.  Contact  Anne Hruz  [email protected] for details.
  • Hispanic Generational Healing Prayer Services are also held at the Cardinal Rigali Center.  Contact Lizett Mata for details  [email protected]
  • After the Christ Alive Through Mary Women's breakfasts
  • Healing Masses - Jesus continues to heal today as he did over 2000 years ago.  At a healing mass, we bring our needs and infirmities to the Lord through the Eucharist.  We believe Jesus is present in the Eucharist.
  • St. Alban Roe in Wildwood  - the first Monday of the month prayer teams are available after the 7pm Healing mass. 
  • St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Crestwood, mass every Saturday night 7:30pm, prayer ministry afterward on the second and forth Saturdays. 

Healing & Deliverance Training

If you are interested in training to be a healing and deliverance minister call Anne Hruz (314) 731-6100. Most often it is required to have done Jonah prayer team training and a Life in the Spirit Seminar. Training is in a class or on your own.

Resources available for learning about healing and deliverance ministry are available at the Renewal Center in the Library. Resources for learning about healing include: the book Unbound and the dvd series Freedom in Christ by Neal Lozano and the book Healing by Francis MacNutt and the dvd series School of Healing Prayer by Francis and Judith MacNutt. 

Generational Healing - English

 2024 Dates:  October 30 (7–9:00 PM)

“Walk-Up” Prayer Ministry Practice

This session is designed to give some review of best practices for serving on “Walk-Up” Prayer Ministry Teams for The Catholic Renewal Center. Events such as Fall Conference, Spring Retreat, Prayer & Praise nights and/or other Prayer Services where “Walk-Up” Prayer Team Ministry is offered. We will spend most of the time praying with each other in small groups.

If you have been away from Prayer Ministry for a while or have recently been Jonah Prayer Ministry trained and would like more practice, this will be a great opportunity to be prepared to serve.
RSVP:  [email protected]
DATES:  November 6, 2024 - 6:30pm-8pm
LOCATION: Catholic Renewal Center, 6120 Pebble Hill Drive, Affton, MO 63123
PREREQUISITE:   Jonah Prayer Ministry Training

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