Catholic Renewal Center Programs

To get involved, please contact [email protected] 

 Life in the Spirit Seminars (English/Hispanic) – Parish-based initial seminar for growing in relationship and openness to the Holy Spirit, teaching the Gospel message of the Love of God, God’s Salvation, New Life and Receiving His Gifts; so that we may desire a deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit and further grow and experience transformation in our hearts. Can be followed up with the Alive in the Spirit, Growth in the Spirit or Born in the Spirit Seminar

Spiritual Gifts Inventory (English/Hispanic) – In conjunction with the Stewardship Office, this Inventory helps parishioners discovery their gifts to put to the service of the Church as active stewardship.

Jonah Training for Parishes (English/Hispanic) is a training program for people in parishes desiring—with their pastors permission—to offer healing prayer in their parish community. 

Intercessory Prayer Workshops are workshops for those interested in helping parish-based intercessors in their desire to learn how to pray for others in the parish setting.

Prophetic Prayer Workshops are workshops that focus on developing the varying dimensions of prophetic gifts.

Speaker Workshops – We offer workshops to help those who want to proclaim the kerygma to others in effective ways to gather and receive constructive feedback on their delivery of the message.

Spiritual Direction Training is a a 12-month training program with qualified teachers to train others in the ministry of Spiritual Direction to help serve as Spiritual Directors in their Parishes.

Spiritual Direction – We offer the opportunity for individuals to receive spiritual direction from trained and certified directors.

Healing Ministry Training – Various methods in healing prayer are offered from the Center Level I – IV Christian Healing Ministry, God’s Healing Light, Unbound. 

Healing Ministry (English/Hispanic) – Individual appointments are available for those who desire healing prayer physically, emotionally, psychologically or spiritually

Deliverance Ministry Training (English/Hispanic) – This training is an advanced training for individuals who have done the basic training and have shown a special charism for this work. 

Deliverance Ministry (English/Hispanic) - The beneficiaries of healing and deliverance ministry desire to live Jesus' promise of abundant life and have decided to live in His love, but may be experiencing some bondages such habitual sin, fear, resentment, unforgiveness, etc. The purpose of this ministry is to help such persons into freedom in Christ.

Prayer Group Training for Parishes (English/Hispanic) – This is on-going training for those who have made life in the Spirit’s in a parish and formed a prayer group and are the leadership for those groups.

 Prayer Groups – These are parish prayer groups that form from Life in the Spirit and remain connected to the Renewal Center for growth and inspiration. 

Catechesis (Hispanic) –Training is provided by staff of the Renewal Center on catechesis of the Holy Spirit.

Grief Ministry Training – Pastoral leaders will welcome this parish-proven, highly adaptable, and Christ-centered bereavement program. Created by nationally recognized hospice care and bereavement specialist, M. Donna MacLeod, following the death of her daughter nearly twenty years ago, Seasons of Hope offers twenty-four scripture-based sessions for those who are grieving. These are organized into four six-week seasons that are self-contained and non- sequential. All group sessions follow the same simple format and flow with a comforting blend of commentary, scripture, prayer, simple group exercises, faith-sharing, and Catholic tradition.

 Compassion Ministry – These groups utilize varying resources for those who have suffered loss of a spouse or a child or a parent. Groups form for the good of each other. Some find one on one appointments best for them, and we have some individuals willing to accompany others on their journey of grief. Contact us so we might find what is best for you.

Divorce Ministry Training – Rose Sweet’s Series Surviving Divorce is presented by Donna O’Donnell, who prepares leaders at parishes to facilitate the Behold Groups.

Behold Groups – These are groups that gather with a trained facilitator who are recently divorced or separated and would like to have accompaniment through their journey.

 DASH Group – The Divorced and Separated Healing Ministry provides support for those whose relationship has ended in divorce or are in the midst of separation. Support includes spiritual and social opportunities and provides resource information and follow up opportunities. The ministry will meet regularly to walk with you in this challenging time.

Society of Found Sheep is a ministry that prays for those who are trying to find their way in this confused and dark culture and for all those who are struggling. We pray for those who stand against the Church and the truths of the Church. In charity and confidence, we pray for the conversion of hearts, minds and souls knowing how much God loves all his children, even those who are lost in the recesses of darkness 

Abortion Healing Prayer – The Abortion Healing Ministry (AHM) of the Archdiocese of St. Louis accompanies women, men, couples, and families wounded by abortion. Using an integrated approach to healing, the trained and compassionate AHM team offers confidential care, opportunities, and resources.

Weekly Charismatic Mass  A vigil Mass on Saturday night that has extended praise and words of knowledge expressed and openness to the Holy Spirit throughout the liturgy

Visio Divina – A group that meets to break open the Divine in images, praying together and discussing the depth of the images’ meanings in a prayerful setting

 Area-Wide Monthly Prayer Meeting – A monthly opportunity for individual parish prayer groups to gather as an Archdiocese so the whole body of gifts may come together and manifest to speak to the whole body. A teaching will be given and praise and worship will guide us in the Holy Spirit.

 Prayer and Praise Healing Nights are gatherings of Praise and Worship with Archdiocesan Healing Prayer Teams and Confession available along with the Word Gift Team exercising their gift of prophetic ministry.

 Annual Retreat – Our spring gathering during Lent is a time to focus in a retreat setting to pray together, receive healing and prepare to enter into the new springtime with the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

Annual Conference 
The Fall Conference is a discerned theme that leads us to open our hearts to where the Holy Spirit is leading and enlivening the work of the Church.

Generational Healing Services (English/Hispanic) – A beautiful prayerful service to free family lines of the afflictions that hold them in bondage.

 Zechariah Men’s Prayer Breakfast – A prayer breakfast where a man gives his testimony of faith, sharing where the Lord has met him in his journey. It is a wonderful gift of fellowship and faith.

Christ Alive Women’s Prayer Breakfast – A prayer breakfast where a woman gives her testimony of faith, sharing where the Lord has met her in her journey. It is a wonderful gift of fellowship and faith. 

Cristo Vive Family Prayer Breakfast (Hispanic) is a retreat-minded gathering where a family comes together to pray, share a meal and testimonies as hey to grow together in the Lord.

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