Zechariah Men's Ministry


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By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.  Luke 1:78-9

Zechariah (father of John the Baptist), filled with the Holy Spirit, praised his God whose presence and power was breaking forth in his life.  Please join us at a prayer breakfast for Catholic men of the Archdiocese of St. Louis where we will share together in the spirit of gratitude and praise of God. After the breakfast meal there will be an opportunity to hear one man’s experience of the transforming love of Christ in his own life and a time of prayer for the needs of all present.

Zechariah Men's Prayer Breakfast presents the story of an encounter with Christ one man at a time.  It involves fellowship, a great talk, and prayer.  Seating at the Cardinal Rigali Center (Shrewsbury) is by reservation via email to [email protected], by phone to 636-215-0973, or via the online form at StlRenewal.Org/ZPB.  $15 for breakfast is payable at the door, waived for men who ask.  

Please Plan To Attend The Next Prayer Breakfast:

Date:         Saturday, March 15, 2025

Speaker: Greg Robeson

Date:          Saturday July 19, 2025

Speaker: Jim Tietjens

Date: Saturday October 11, 2025

Speaker: Deacon James Keating

Cardinal Rigali Center - Fleur de Lis Room     

Zechariah Breakfast time: 8:30 am to noon

For information call 314-731-6100 or email [email protected] or contact Gary Whitlock at 636-215-0973 or [email protected].
OR go to the Zechariah Webpage: https://www.archstl.org/about/offices-and-agencies/catholic-renewal-center/



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